We are all looking for ways to clean our home efficiently-this following cleaning advice from social media. Unfortunately, many of the Internet’s top cleaning hacks could be damaging your health as well as your home.
Cleaning hacks are everywhere when browsing Pinterest, watching a Tik Tok video, or searching the internet, you will inevitably come across or hear about well-intentioned cleaning hacks. Look at the kind of ingredients they recommend. Combining different cleaning products, as some social media videos would suggest, can have an adverse effect on people’s health. Simply mixing different brands of one cleaning agent can even lead to explosions or release harmful gas.The improper cleaner or harsh chemicals might damage irreplaceable items. Wood, vinyl, marble, and laminate can all be harmed by using bleach or a toilet cleaning gel on other surfaces. It is best to get your cleaning recipes from experts, carefully read the directions and labels, and consider eco-friendly cleaning agents like vinegar in the right amounts to avoid problems.
There are many dangers to this popular hack. This product is corrosive to the eyes & skin & may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Avoid breathing mists or vapors. Fumes are corrosive to metal. Keep out of reach of children. Eye, Skin contact, Inhalation, Ingestion. Causes chemical burns. May cause blindness. Causes chemical burns. May cause respiratory tract irritation or chemical burns. Harmful if swallowed. May cause chemical burns to the mouth, throat and stomach. Eyes. Respiratory system. Skin. Prolonged or repeated exposure to dilutions can cause drying, defatting and dermatitis.The product causes burns of eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
This hack can also stain & cause corrosion to chrome surfaces. The damage is permanent. This could cost thousands of dollars to repair.

Placing a 45-ounce bottle inside your toilet tank will displace the same amount of water that would have normally occupied that space inside the tank. The result is that less water will be available to rinse the toilet bowl with each flush hence a less powerful flush. That means, on a standard toilet, the flush water would drop from 1.6 to 1.248 gallons per flush, which, depending on the brand and bottle of your toilet, could be very noticeable or hardly noticeable. I wouldn’t advise anyone to try the hack if they have one of the newer 1.28 gallons-per-flush toilets — it would simply make the toilet’s flush too weak to move waste through your drain pipes and sewer. The other consideration is how the chemical ingredients in an all-purpose cleaner would affect the plastic and rubber toilet tank parts. On TikTok-Mr. Clean Multi Surface Cleaner, which contains chemicals that could damage certain types of plastic and rubber in your toilet tank over time. It would take many months of exposure, maybe a year before damage begins affecting toilet performance, but it will likely shorten the life expectancy of some tank parts.
Vinegar has become a cleaning staple in many homes, especially with cleaning with baking. Vinegar has become a popular natural alternative to cleaners with harsh chemicals. Because of the acidic nature of vinegar, it is great at breaking down dirt and grime. Many experts claim the ability to clean your whole house with vinegar. This is certainly not the case. It is vinegar’s acidic properties that make it a poor choice for some surfaces and can cause extensive damage to others. Several recommend cleaning hardwood floors with vinegar and water, but the acid in vinegar can eat away the hardwood finish over time, making your floors look dull and exposing them to further damage. This is also the case with natural stone surfaces, such as marble and granite. The vinegar can eat away at the surface, leaving them pitted and dull. Similar can be said for cleaning with lemon juice. When using these condiments to clean, always do a small spot check first.
There is a common misconception that because laundry detergent can clean the fibers of your clothes, it can be used to clean your carpets too. This is not necessarily the case. The chemicals in some detergents can actually damage carpet fibers, making them more likely to fray or stain over time. Also the sticky residue that is left behind will attract dirt. It is recommended that you use a dedicated carpet cleaner or shampoo that is specifically designed for the job. Carpets are often an investment in your home, so it is worth investing in keeping them clean correctly.